

ex⋅ude /ig’zud/
1. release (a liquid) in drops or small quantities
syn: exudate, transude, ooze out, ooze
2. make apparent by one’s mood or behavior

The school yearbook photo of the Artist in 5th grade; the time right before or at the onset of puberty and loss of innocence; the time right before the discovery of gender and sexuality; the first time the Artist identified as non-binary. What is it that conveys one’s gender or sexuality to other people? This is a question the Artist has asked for a very long time. Is it like how a printer exudes ink on to the paper to create an image? Does the individual make one’s identity apparent by exuding little droplets of the self?


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Lake Monster


Where the water meets the rocks, waves constructively interfere at incomprehensible intervals to form the creature known as the lake monster, visible only for mere fractions of a second. Is that a person reaching up into the sky? Are they holding a giant hammer? Are those tentacles? What is it trying to say? What does it feel like for those particles of water to be violent ripped from their electromagnetic bonds by the force of the collision with the sheer rock wall? Perhaps it feels ecstatic and bracing. Behold. The element of air, water, and earth in awesome combination. The interaction of the self with creation. The self being experience, and creation being the essence of life, unnameable. It is guided by the laws of the universe, and it is wholly beautiful. It is not the image, nor is it the waves or the rock. It is the process as ever ongoing of creation in whatever form. Creation is all that we have that cannot be destroyed. In combination with direct experience, it is the only thing capable of granting us the future.


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Backyard Bunny Baby


A video of a baby bunny in the backyard, glitched.

On an unrelated note, here are a few bullet points about how I make my glitch art:

  • I use Glitché for the photo and video editing.
  • Yes, it is intended as a form of deconstruction. (I love you Derrida)
  • Every glitch is a remembrance, a memory of a time and a place.
  • Generally I prefer the subject of the image to remain visible enough to make out what it is, and I grow tired of using a particular technique repeatedly.
  • I usually spend about fifteen minutes in this process. Once I am satisfied I bring the file into Instagram where I maxx out the effects for fun.
  • The colors (MRYGCV) that get exposed and blown out have varying subjective meaning to me personally. You will notice I sometimes refer to magenta as queer. This will be the subject of future writing.

The Original

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My Aunt Tells a Story


In 2018, when I was visiting my grandfather for the last time before he died, I took this video of my grandparent’s fish tank as my aunt told a story (my father’s voice is in parenthesis). I most especially appreciate her use of the rule of three. My father’s addition, I think, adds a surprising amount of color to the story.

One day I came up here and she was moving these chairs, because they weren’t in just the right spot. (Oh yeah?) And then, the ol’ dad Aaron, he just… (laughter) got fed up. (It’s feng shui!) And then, I went downstairs and I came up again, and she was moving the couch!

Looking back at this moment, I remember thinking at the time about the numerous emotional and intellectual responses to so-called mental illness that humans have had over the centuries. A casual story about a family-member’s compulsive need to move furniture may be humorous enough in a given context, but for me it was a reminder of the complexity, and maybe even subtle beauty, to the neurodivergence present in my genetic heritage. The presence of the fish energy added yet another layer to this brief video that I don’t think I fully appreciated when I originally recorded it.

The Original

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Body Awareness


An image taken from a Jacuzzi overlooking Anishinaabewi-gichigami (Anishinaabe’s Sea also known as Lake Superior). Water held in a large enough container is called a body. Being in water can heighten awareness of the body, especially its weight, shape, buoyancy, and temperature. We are all beings with bodies composed primarily of water. Our bodies are not separate from (and in most cases dependent upon) the countless other bodies of water that surround us.


The term liquidation may also be to refer to the selling of poor-performing goods at a price lower than the cost to the business, or at a price lower than the business desires.1Investopedia Liquidity refers to the efficiency or ease with which an asset can be converted into ready cash. The most liquid asset of all is cash itself.2Investopedia A lamp, a Beanie Baby, a dresser, a TV stand. I paid a lot at Target for that laminate bedside table, but now it’s got to go, how much are you willing to pay? I don’t need the lamp, I don’t need the Beanie Baby, I don’t actually need the bedside table anymore either, I just need the money. Do you feel the liquidity? You’ve got to be able to rub it between your fingers, get the smell of it. You and me, we are businesses each of us. Never mind the surplus value stolen in your wages or taxes, there’s the money coming home to pay for the basics, and if you’re lucky, there’s the cream on top. You know what I mean? That’s the profit baby, but it’s getting harder to taste these days. Ok, so maybe I’m not an economist. What I do know is that if I’m a business, and you’re a business, and we’re both selling the same thing (our labor), we’re competing with one another. We are competitors. Your welfare is separate from my welfare. I don’t know what you’ve got going on with your welfare, but my welfare is concerned with paying down the debt to the bank that owns my home, paying for the food I need to eat, and paying every other expense that must be paid to live as a human on planet earth.

The Original

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